Makgeng Mountain Trail

It is a woodland mountain trail 8.6km long ascending 282m with great scenic views 17 km from Haenertsburg towards Polokwane.

The trail is situated above the village of Makgeng 17km from Haenertsburg on the way to Polokwane. This Trail has been developed by the Rotary Club of Haenertsburg with the assistance and cooperation of the Makgeng Executive Council. 

The aim of the trail was to develop a project that was beneficial to the local community as well as visitors to the region. The trail has great bird life as well as interesting vegetation. There is also a short trail to Lwaleng-la-Tlou (Elephant Rock) and back is 3.4km and ascends 111m to give a great view of ZCC and surrounds. The trail is easy to follow as it is marked with painted rock cairns (piles of rock) at approximately 40m apart.

How to book:

Send your request by email: Date, time, number of hikers to:

You will receive a map, Indemnity form and a bird list

Make payment to Rotary Haenertsburg,  FNB Acc. No. 62045433711, Makgeng Mountain Trail and email confirmation to

Print the indemnity form, sign and hand in to the Administrator (indicated on map) on the way to the start