Woodbush Eco Camping


Woodbush Eco Camping is a wild, rustic off-grid campground located on top of the mountains 5km outside of Haenertsburg.

Woodbush Eco Camping is a rustic, wild off-grid campground located on top of the Haenertsburg mountains. The campsites lie on privately owned land surrounded by endangered Woodbush Granite grasslands, about 1500m above sea level. Because we are an off-grid campground this means that there is no electricity at the campsites and there are limited amenities. We have water available in JoJo tanks, an outdoor shower heated by a donkey boiler and compost toilets. We strongly encourage Leave-No-Trace and eco-friendly camping so that we can contribute towards protecting the Woodbush Granite grasslands of Haenertsburg. On a clear day you will experience magnificent 360° views of the surrounding hills and valleys as well as spectacular sunrises and sunsets. Our campgrounds are perfect for Wild Off Grid Campers, Hikers, Mountain Bikers, Fisherman, Bird Watchers and Nature Photographers.