GRASSLANDS I was sitting at a local tavern the other day enjoying a cup of coffee when Ioverhead snatches of a conversation between two people that I did notrecognize. Mind you, I had been away from the Mountain for a few years andthere are many new people around, so they could have been locals.They were […]


MARKETS One of the great things about many small towns and villages is that you can actually meet the local people and chat to them and discover why they like living in that particular small town or village and what it is that they do to put food on the table. And the very best […]

Them’s my sentiments! 4

Hi there! It’s Fred Bullock again, keeping warm on these Winter evenings. Many people complain about the weather on the mountain, but I think we have great weather here. That is, apart from some periods during summer when that grey mist comes down and creeps into every bone in your body.  It was not for […]


Well, that’s the election out of the way and we can all get back to the serious business of our history! I wasn’t very keen on history at school but, as I’ve grown older, I have come to realise that who we are today is linked so closely to where we have come from.   […]

‘Them’s my Sentiments’ 2

Greetings! Fred Bullock here again with some further thoughts on our beautifulMagoebaskloof area.I mentioned how the village seems transformed into a vibrant food, drink,shopping and sleeping centre and, and now I want to take a quick look at acouple of the other attractions in and around the village.Haenertsburg was a ‘hot-spot’ during the final months […]

‘Them’s my Sentiments!’

Greetings! My name is Fred and I lived on what we call ‘The Mountain’ for many years before going abroad for just on twenty years. I’m very happy to be back and I invite you to share some of my impressions of the hardy old tourism spots and the many new visitor delights where you […]